Saturday, September 29, 2007

Updated News... (from Ko Htike)

- In South Okkalapa, Pho Zaw was on the road in his car on 27.Sept when he directly encountered one of the army trucks. He honked once to that truck and the soldiers dragged him out of the car, started beating him and then left him in a nearby compound. On 29.Sept, Phoe Zaw was dead but the body has not been returned. His car, mobile phone and the money were also lost on the scene.

- In Kamayut, Ma Thandar Nwe Oo (Father: U Tin Oo), from NLD, age 28, who is pregnant, had been arrested on 27.Sept.

- San Chaung, U Thet Wai (NLD) has also been arrested from his house at midnight on 28.Sept.

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