Thursday, September 27, 2007


Buddhism is the major religion in Burma. Buddhist monks are revered by all people from all walks of life. Now, the monks had started a peaceful demonstration against the Burmese military government.

Many people had joined and several had lost their lives. The whole world has condemned the military regime for its violent reactions. Many of the world leaders had emphasized this issue in UNGA (United Nations General Assembly).

Burmese people are just trying to ask for the mere independence of the country. Setting the "fuel price hike" as a driving force, we are just trying to ask for the economic stability which leads to better living standards. We have been ignored, unheard, tortured psychologically and beaten physically. Will they ever stop giving hard times? Will they ever give back what they have taken? Will they ever give us freedom?

Getting the right answers lies in our hands. The hands of the people. Please try to support and help people reach the goals. At least, pray for them. We are the people and our voices shall be heard from all directions. We shall have our peaceful lives without these blood sucking demons. Strive for our FREEDOM...!!!

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